Piloted by the infamous Hylaxian sisters Jarda and Venra, the Magnolia's reputation is known throughout the galaxy. One of the first ships to employ bio-link technology, the Magnolia is a heavily modified Ulaxian 17 belt runner, which has been upgraded with a ramming shield, a subspace phasing array and greatly enhanced control and thruster systems. Most recently seen under the employ of the Seraptis Guard, the Magnolia's affiliations are constantly shifting, but one thing is for sure - the ship makes a regular show at the numerous battle arenas throughout the galaxy - and it has yet to record a loss.
Section | Facings | Armor Rating |
1 | FL, FC, FR, RR, RC, RL |
From | To | Token | Price | Date |
Number Existing | 0 |
Number Available | 1 |
Rarity Within Collection | 0.0750% chance to draw in asset packs containing only collection "Alpha Booster 1 - Titans of the Void". |
Rarity Within Universe | 0.0750% chance to draw in asset packs containing all collections. |
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